Beautiful Asia 🥰 I always admire the strength mothers have and the drive to live no matter what. I always wonder how my mother felt when she knew she was dying and my brother and I were just above 10. She had taught us way before that time that life and death belong together. I have therefore never feared death although always had an incredible need to live, maybe because she didn’t. Now as I’m slowly thinking about motherhood I can feel this urge even stronger. ❤️

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What a strong legacy of love and wisdom your mom passed on. It's an honor to have had you call her into this space. Thank you Carmen. Deep love to you.

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❤️✨ thank you Asia

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Your writing just emanates such tenderness that truly feeds the soul. Thank you. How true it is, how motherhood tethers you to the here and now, to the earth. In fact I believe this is tied to what we actually embody for our children as mothers, and that is in fact presence and embodiment, to teach these little souls how to be in their own bodies, here on earth. A beautiful read, truly.

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Brimming with gratitude for these words, thank you as always Asia. X

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You put something into words so beautifully that I’ve felt in my bones since my daughters were born.

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This is gorgeously rooted Asia. “Suddenly, you know why the words mother and matter have the same root.” I sensed all these things as a young mother, but had no words then for this feeling of being OF the earth, of matter, and how everything mattered now, because of my child.

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Beautiful!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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Oh wow, so stunning. I love the way you weave the mystic and the mother

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Thank you Kat. A deep compliment that is deeply felt.

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Simply gorgeous

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Glorious as always, Asia, and so brutally, beautifully, devastatingly true.

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As Glennon Doyle says, life is truly "brutiful," isn't it? So much love to you Lindsay.

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Beautiful. I needed this reminder today of being tethered to Earth through my children. To now.

For so long, I dreamt of the other worlds - glorified, as you say - that it can be easy to fall back into that in difficult moments. But I am held here.

Thank you 💖

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Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for this offering 🤍

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Ooofffttt this was beautiful. I’ve had such a similar experience. The first few years I really had to work on not letting my sudden fear of death overcome me. I remember asking an older mother how you deal with it. She just said live in the moment with them. 💛

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