I'm 33 weeks pregnant with my first, and sometimes I feel like there isn't a consistent bone in my body. The phrase "consistency is key" is thrown around so much in the entrepreneurship world, but after reflecting on this, I'm ready to plant my flag and say that I disagree with that saying. The key seems to be so much more subtle than that! I find it more important to be persistent, flexible, forgiving, and adaptable in all areas of my life. Thank you for this, Asia 🤍

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"persistent, flexible, forgiving and adaptable" - Brilliant way of expressing the truth of our natural rhythms and the way we dance with them in actual real life. As I slowly cultivate a magical virtual space for my Gifts to be shared, Ive needed to listen and honor my fluctuating capacity and my unpredictable spiral through feeling receptive, feeling generative, feeling integrative and every liminal space between. Consistency may be key, but maybe we have it confused, maybe we need to begin perceiving consistency by way of energetic texture, meaning we arrive in the Essence of our Wholeness however we freakin need to.

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So true. And how the notion of ‘surrender’ just trickles it’s way into every postpartum crevice. Forever teachings 🫶🏼

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Forever teachings...perfect word for it.

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Oh yes! This is so true not just for children, but for adults of all kinds too!! To know the beauty and challenges of inconsistencies and yet have a core of constants to always return to for stability is so vital! When we have a core of at least a loving parent, or a stable home to return to to be steadied, the storms and winds of inconsistencies that will surely enter our lives expectedly and unexpectedly will have the opportunity to help us grow rather than tear us up and toss us about. To have strong roots to anchor us no matter the storm is vital. 🌲

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Ooh I love that, a core of constants. 💞

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I got teary when I read this. "It’s the life-giving beauty of consistently having compassion for your changing, complex, nuanced, and entirely inconsistent self."

Compassion, compassion, compassion. For myself, for my kiddos. It's something I have to remind myself of often.

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I so appreciate your way of sharing honest reflections about the truth of BEING human. I wish for more remembrance of our primal blueprint, responding WITH the present moment ingredients, honoring the natural rhythm alive in the layers of this Earth Realm ecology. Children always seem to be the gateway INTO this restoration, teaching us who have been trained out of our knowing, how to remember.

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Children as the gateway into this restoration...oh I love this so much Rhiannon.

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Absolutely yes! And, as an inconsistent person, I have started discovering the beauty and respite in consistency (that is created from love rather than push)

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Thank you, Asia. I’m not yet a mother, but this is something I already think about. I was raised by a line of women and men who did (and do) insist on consistency at the cost of nearly everything else. (And yes, they do all have anxiety.) At age thirty, I still struggle to be flexible because of the rigidity of the consistency I was raised by—that my parents thought was the only way, I suppose. So a white knuckle grip on consistency can backfire too. As usual, it’s the middle way—the way that embrace flow and the cycles—that nourishes us.

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I think this white knuckle grip on consistency is such a natural response to trauma, and all that is uncontrollable in life. It makes so much sense that this would be such a prominent part of our lineages, and our psyches as a result. Every time I feel that rigidness back creep into my own body, I cycle back to compassion... and I think it makes a difference, not just for me, but for all the ones who came before me who needed that permission to let go and have that be okay. Even if I can't shift it, if I can just hold space for myself to feel it, it makes a difference. Thank you for sharing here Ema, love to you.

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So wise and beautifully said, as always. I wish I had a community like this when I was a young mother. It's so important to share the messy, "in the trenches" part of mothering with others. Thank you Asia!

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I love this! I couldn’t agree more ❤️ thank you for sharing

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So deeply feeling this🫶🏼

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Thanks, I needed to hear this today (mother of a toddler still waking up at night) <3

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